Tuesday, May 14, 2013

God bless Philippines and Its People

Seeing my Facebook news feed full of political posts make me realize that people really have their own opinions on who deserve positions in this country. Each and everyone's voting decisions are valuable, we may all not have the same views, but we should all respect what others think.

Personally, I think that these people who received votes should all be given chance to prove not just to us Filipino people but also to themselves that they can serve this country and its people well.

None of these politicians are perfect and neither are we. They may have won because of money, (family) popularity, power, and other not-so-good numerous reasons, but we should not judge them this early.

Let's also make good changes not just for ourselves, but also for our countrymen and this country.

Not all of the candidates that I think deserve to win has won in this election, because my opinion is not the same as everyone's.

I would like to congratulate people who are now going to serve us. Please make sure that our votes won't be meaningless.

This Election 2013 is a chance for everyone to make both improvements and changes to our country.

God bless Philippines and its people.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Introduction To Journalism: Midterm Project Proposal

Our class was given a project to be accomplished for this Midterm period of this semester and our professor assigned each and everyone in our class a place (beats) for us to cover and find story about.

I was given Glorietta Mallls, located in Makati City and what I have in mind is to come up with a magazine-like project that would have different sections such as: Editorial, Fab Finds, Food, Fashion, Event, Clothing and Accessories Store and create a story for each sections.

Now, as the Midterm examinations are just days away (I'm a bit dreading it since I have so much to do and I've been procrastinating for the past few days) I have to start taking photos, writing stories, and preparing my layout for my magazine project that I would title "Glamour Glorietta".

Last meeting in our ITJ class, my classmates and I had so much fun watching a movie titled: "Morning Glory" which is really cool, especially for those who plan on entering the world of broadcasting. The movie will show how busy, tiring, stressful, and fun a work can be. Also, how you'll meet people at work that can change your life and make it better.

Morning Glory Movie Poster

So this is our class while watching the movie and I am telling you, I was so sleepy that morning for having had less than 2 hours of sleep but the movie made me laugh and it was a really nice morning at our ITJ class, thanks to our Professor Ma'am Maria Merzenaida Donovan.


ITJ Class (January 19, 2013)

So back to my ITJ Midterm Project, I will have all photos taken by this week and will be writing all write ups before our exam and will spend 3 days for the layout. *Fingers crossed*.


By the way, before I forget, come Saturday my classmates would be presenting their updated blogs in our class, that'll be interesting.




Saturday, January 12, 2013

Introduction To Journalism: Blog All The Way

Just now, our Intro to Journ professor asked us to update our blog pages (for existing bloggers) and create a blog page (for new bloggers), so here I am updating my blog, in class. ^_^

It looks like I'll be blogging more in the coming days. My blog is gonna be a lot happier.

Here's a photo of my ITJ class which I took some minutes ago.

Blog, blog, and away!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Back To School: "The Productive Me"

Classes officially start "Friday" for me (well, it actually started last week but I was so lethargic that I didn't attend my first day of school for this year). I know... I know... I shouldn't have started my year that way and I am now making up for the laziness over powering me.

It's 02:45am here and I just finalized two parts of our group's term paper for this semester, I am also done with my assignment and I still have two more to go. I just took a break and decided to have a cup of coffee and blog.

I had some emotional lapses from last year and I am now doing my best to get over some feelings of sadness and I realized that I pushed myself too far to forgetting some sad memories from before. I should have given myself enough time to heal, so that's what I am going to do from now on.

I'm going to make myself more busy with school and work. Concentrate more on things that matter most and not let myself go down the drain because of laziness...

I may have started 2013 in a manner that really disappointed some people. So now, I'm gonna make things right and make sure that I live every single day with no regrets.

Another thing that I would have to accept is that I don't have the power to make my heart flutter with happiness, but at least I know how to make myself happy in general. There are more significant things and people that make my day worth while and I am very thankful for them.


I am now officially going back into my nerd mode. I'm gonna go back into finishing my school assignments after I finish this blog post.


Fighting Kring!