Sometimes in Life there really are Bonds Formed that can Never be Broken. Sometimes You really can Find that One Person Who will Stand by You no Matter what. Maybe You'll Find it in a Spouse and Celebrate it with Your Dream Wedding, but there's also a Chance that the One Person You can Count On for a Lifetime, the Person who Knows You Sometimes better than You Know Yourself is the Same Person who's Been Standing Beside You All Along... -Bride Wars
This is for my bestfriend Eddilyne Ruallo Berlanga, for your special day (someday soon).
I was watching the movie Bride Wars the other night and I heard the words from one the characters on the film. I just realized that those words were all true. I have a bestfriend for almost 23 years now and I would have to say that she's that one person who knows me well than I know myself. The person who have been standing with me all along.
I am happy to have known her, she's the one who keeps away bullies from way back kindergarten. I have always been the tear jerky. But things have changed now too except for our friendship. People would always ask: "You're still bestfriends?"
Oh well, we will be even for all the lifetimes we will have.

My bestfriend is in love right now and she deserves the happiness from this LOVE. =) We were just texting last night about some random important things and even if we're a little far from each other, it doesn't matter.
Anyway, she'll be here soon with us so distance for us now is like a week or two.
What we always think is that we we're actually sisters except we have different birth parents. *laugh*
I just really loved the movie and it got me thinking that someday, when we both reach the part of our lives where we would be sharing it with someone, the two of us will still be standing along side each other. =) and we will make sure that we won't get hitched at the same day. *laugh*
She's more of the No Stress Future Bride and I am a self confessed Future Bridezilla. *laugh x 3*
Anyhow, my Bes is better than the bestfriend I could ever asked for.
Thanks Bes for never judging me and always staying by my side no matter what the road life takes us. Hugs! Stay In Love. =)