Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Last 3 HP Movie Story

I have always loved Harry Potter from way back my younger years. I have finished reading all the HP books and I have re-read them for the nth time and I lost count of exactly how many times I get excited reading about "The Boy Who Lived".

I was about to hit the sack earlier than usual but it was HP6 on HBO some few minutes ago and I remembered watching that movie alone 2010 I guess. I always feel sad when I get to see Professor Dumbledore get struck by the Avada Kedavra curse and fall on the clock tower of Hogwarts. I even cried the first time I watched the movie, well... I still feel like crying whenever I see that part. I know that it has to happen because Harry Potter should fight Voldemort on his own right? with Ron and Hermoine and friends' help of course.

Someone very dear to me gave me a copy of the HP7 book and I am still very thankful about it. He was the third person who gave me a book. Myself first, my Mom second and Him third. I love reading books by the way so people who give me books are very special to me, especially if they know which book to give me. =)

Back to the HP topic. So, I watched HP movies mostly by myself and I actually meant to see those movies alone. I think maybe it's because that movie was really dear to me so I would like to concentrate on parts and magic spells and the amazing effects.

The HP5 movie, I have decided to see it with the same someone who gave me the HP7 book. That was one of the most memorable movie date I had. I can still remember the feeling of holding someone else's hand while walking and feeling the sunshine inside my heart. I know he is part of my "Past Folder" now but it doesn't hurt to remember a really genuine happy feeling I have felt before, that was also the day I gave him a silver bracelet, it meant so much to me...  He meant a great deal to my heart and words will never be enough to express how much I have loved him... Not even me, who is a writer can never come up with words to further elucidate how that someone means to me...

The truth is, whenever I get to see HP movies I always remember Him... well, I always do... Some of the times whenever a memory related to him is about to process in my head, I immediately push those memories away and lock it on my "Past Folder"... That is what I usually do for now because I have to...

Anyway, the first part of the HP7 was an epic failure for me as I wasn't able to watch it on the theater. It was my fault so no one is to blame except for me. I got over it and learned my lesson. =)

The second part of the HP7 I got to watch with D. I don't really know what's on my mind that time. I was afraid of watching that movie with someone because I personally thought that I should just watch it by myself to prevent getting hit by a breaking heart curse... but still it turned out just fine. However, it felt different. When I watched the HP5 movie with that someone, I wasn't really able to concentrate well. I was really happy to see Harry, DA's, Order of Phoenix and the Death Eaters duel without saying any curses... Flying Orders in a White Smoke while the DE's in Black. I just remembered how sunny it felt that moment.

HP7 (last part) was a totally different one though... I would have to give my credits to Snape 'coz he really made my tears fall and I was happy because I remembered the parts on the story, the spells, the dueling scenes... It was amazing. D, well. He fell asleep. I completely understand him though. We didn't really plan on watching HP7 that super late evening, he had other plans that day and it just suddenly came up to us that we watch HP7. I had a good conversation with D, a good laugh and some good pictures taken with him too. D, he never fails to make me laugh and he is a person full of surprises, whether it may be good or not-so-good.

I didn't blog about this to make comparisons... of which was better. Because watching HP movies with that Two Different Men are both nice. Totally different feeling though... One warm and the other comforting...

I can never understand what Life has given me... I don't expect too. Life is far too complex to understand that even the most geniuses of human cannot explain Life, in lows and highs...

What I do now is to be just thankful to God, for everything he has given me in my life. Because I believe that those things made me a better person.

That Someone, he had tested me and how tough I am to survive hurt and pain and sadness... I can now face being alone, I still feel scared and sad but now I know I can... Because of Him, I know I can Love far deeply than my heart can and that my heart can withstand hurt more than I thought I can...

D, he made me believe in myself again... I remember way back months ago when he was still my professor, I used to tell him that I don't know if I can do this and that and he would always tell me: "You can Cille, I know that you can..." he tells me that and I can feel that he really do believe in me and what I can do.

These Two Men, I have to give credit because they made me who I am now... a better person who can now accept things may they be good or not-so-good...

I still believe in Miracles... that One Fine Day will come again...

I miss that someone still, but for now... I can face day without him. Not because I have D with me... but because I am stronger now. Stronger because I survived pain and Even much Tougher because I now believe in Myself again...


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