Sunday, February 27, 2011

My Driftless Shots

I'm in love with photography and I love taking my camera with me almost wherever I go. =)

Here are some of my Driftless Shots, collections of pictures I took and manipulated using my very reliable Photoshop. =P

I named this one "Serenity at Serendra" took this photo when me and my GFF's hang out there. I love the simplicity of this photo. 

This one is "Nikki's First". I am so proud of myself for having been able to take this shot with its background on blurred.  (I didn't use photoshop for this one, I set my lens on manual focus). I named my iPad Nikki, because we used to call our beloved granny "Nikki". =D (I Miss Her So MUCH, I know she's happy in heaven now).

After my papa gave Marley (my Nikon D3K dslr), this was the first time I took a shot with my lens on manual settings. It's been months since I was back to school and I've been busy so it's less time with Marley.

Here's another, the Church near MOA. I took this shot when me and my friends and classmates attended the 16th STI - NYC (National Youth Convention). I fell in love with the church the first time I set eyes on it. =)

By the way, all these shots have different settings and summer is right just around the corner, which means more time for me to shot away and have photowalks with my friends and hopefully, I'll be able to spend time with my Team D3K group from Digital Photographer Philippines. =D *happy*

And also, I'm back to oDesking, which also means that I'll be a bit busy this summer writing, writing and writing. =)

Wish me, family and friends can travel. =P Fun! Fun!


Edil said...

Great shots! I ♥ Serenity at Serendra! hihi

Kring said...

Hey Lovelyness. Thanks! I'll upload your pictures later. I had so much fun kanina! hugs! =D