Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My Lotion Addiction =D

Yes, I have a lotion addiction if that's how you should call it. I keep on purchasing lotions even if I have huge bottles/containers that I haven't emptied.

I love to see lotions around me and I don't know why. I have these huge containers of Nivea, Nivea Cream, Johnson's Baby Milk Lotion, Victoria Secret, Bath and Body Works and Yogurt Body Lotions in different flavored Scent.

I got the chance to count my lotion collection just last night and I was a bit shock to have counted 28 Lotions all in all, scented oils not included, Body Wash and Colognes too.

I don't know, I keep on buying them even if I know that I don't have to... But I do finish down like a bottle in one week, so I guess it's okay right? =)

I mean, it's an essential at least for most women around.

Oh and Soaps too! I love them scented Dove, Olay and Baby Soaps. It sometimes makes me laugh inside on how I have gotten into having 28 lotions and the small on-the-go bottles not included. =)

Well, I think I deserve to purchase what I want and what I feel I want right? I do really tough work so I need some stress reliever too. =)

I was thinking, I should buy some foot lotion starting later 'coz it's payday for me. =) Oh I love Paydays! =)

oDesk you really are my number one! =) but of course my boss's too. =)

I will wake my niece up and we'll play some volleyball, it's our every other day routine for this summer. Fun! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a cream addiction. mine is funny because i cant but help use cream at any opportunity i have. The particular lotion am addicted to is Pears baby lotion and everyone around me complains that i smell like a baby. it is worse that i even use it while asleep. i really need help to stop.